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A Case Study: The Forum to Address Food Insecurity and Poverty in Israel

This is the tale of a dedicated group, predominantly women, who spearheaded a partnership involving dozens of foundations and individual funders spanning nearly a decade. Their journey began in response to a compelling distress signal that urged them to act. Through countless conversations and numerous meetings, fueled by fervent brainstorming and creativity, they forged ahead with unwavering determination. Their efforts led to a multitude of initiatives and the weaving of an intricate network connecting philanthropists, professionals, nonprofit leaders, lawmakers, business figures, and scholars.

The purpose of the study is to describe and analyze the activity of “The Forum to Address Food Insecurity and Poverty in Israel” as a test case of philanthropic partnership taking shape for the benefit of field building around a social issue.

This study was conducted by Dr. Osnat Hazan of ILP. Published on May 2024.


From Immediate Relief to Lasting Impact: Using Philanthropy to Build a Responsive Field

Insights of present-day philanthropic activists based on case study research on

The Forum to Address Food Insecurity and Poverty in Israel

on July 23, 7:30-9:00 am ET/ 5:30-7:00 pm IS.


The current multi-faceted crisis in Israel calls more than ever for long-lasting solutions that go beyond immediate assistance to bring relief. Indeed, philanthropists are eager to bring about systemic change.

The leaders of The Forum to Address Food Insecurity and Poverty in Israel* hold valuable experience in tackling the complex issue of food insecurity. Although "Field building" was never explicitly a goal of the Forum, a retrospective case study research points to a set of strategies that ultimately contributed to the establishment of a vibrant still-evolving field to address food insecurity in Israel.

Their insights may now assist philanthropists in addressing urgent and complex problems:

The struggle against crime in Arab society, facing the challenge of creating an ecosystem and harnessing an indifferent government that seems unwilling to address the problem holistically.

The acute mental health crisis in Israel, calls for balancing immediate relief with the need for in-depth learning to develop effective responses.

*The Forum to Address Food Insecurity and Poverty in Israel was a philanthropic collaboration of 70 foundations and individual donors, led by Cheri Fox and Laurie Heller, that was active in Israel for a decade. "The primary goal of the Forum was to alleviate food insecurity in the country through a systemic approach, involving collaboration with various sectors. Although many actors were active, the landscape, characterized by scarce communication and coordination among stakeholders, lacked a cohesive “food security field.” Recognizing this gap, the Forum aimed to initiate dialogue and cultivate coordinated action among relevant actors —to build the field." 

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