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Data Lab for philanthropy in Israel, Led by Osnat Hazan

We believe that effective grantmaking and fundraising practices, informed public policy, and fertile public discussions on the value of giving, necessitate both robust data and empirical research. Dearth in comprehensive and consistent data on giving in Israel has prompted ILP, in the past years, to nudge different authorities to better collect, verify and provide data on giving to NPI’s in Israel. Furthermore, ILP has led various independent data-collection-research, to examine trends in local household and corporate giving and in foreign giving to Israel.

To advance this line of practice, we have established the first of its kind “Philanthropy Data-lab” for giving in Israel. Via the data-lab endeavors we aim at promoting improvements in public data-collecting infrastructures; Conduct compilation of aggregate data from available yet raw sources; And initiating empirical research on understudied topics.

While we are committed to high standards of research, we are also committed to presenting our works and insights in a comprehensible manner so that knowledge can be widely and easily consumed.

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