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Perspectives on Philanthropy – Academic course

"Philanthropy" is a complex phenomenon, rooted in culture, time and place. It is integrated into society, economy and politics, arousing curiosity, interest and criticism. Despite this, it is not widely studied. The manifestations of philanthropy are varied; in Israel, it contributed greatly to the establishment of the state and its institutions, it manifests itself, for example, in giving charity in religious and traditional societies (Jewish and Muslim) and it works strategically to improve social services and promote overall social change.

In view of the aforementioned complexity, the course offers, in a postmodern approach, a collage of theories and studies about philanthropy in general and in Israel in particular, which spotlight various dimensions of the phenomenon and make it possible to compile a rich collection of knowledge and insights. As part of the course, we examine the phenomenon of philanthropy from different theoretical perspectives - economic, psychological, sociological, ethnographic, legal and more.

The course is intended for master's degree students from the Faculty of Social Sciences and is also open to humanities and law students.

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