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Swords of Iron 2023: Snapshots on the Civil Society and Philanthropy

Almost immediately after the outbreak of the "Swords of Iron" war, the Forum of Foundations in Israel, JFN Israel and the Institute for Law and Philanthropy began holding webinar sessions with the aim of producing and sharing an up-to-date picture that could be used effectively by the philanthropic field. At the meetings, an update is given by various professionals and a discussion is held by the members of the partner organizations.

"Snapshot” on Education. The update refers to the webinar that took place on October 19, 2023. The meeting and the summary are part of a process to establish an interest group intended for foundations and private donors dealing with the issue of education.

The second update refers to a November 16, 2023 meeting focusing on Youth in The Evacuation Centers.

"Snapshot” on Evacuating Individuals Displaced by War – Refugees in their Own Country. The update refers to the meeting that took place on October 19, 2023. At the meeting, an overview was given about the difference between “evacuees” and “Residents in Crisis”; Emphasis was given to the response required in the medium and long term as well as to the distinction between homogeneous communities and communities of individuals.

"Snapshot” on The Arab Society in Israel in Shadow of the War. The update refers to the webinar that took place on October 24, 2023. At the meeting (second on this topic), emphasis was given to emergency needs that characterize Arab society and actions to prevent escalation in the shared spaces.

The third update refers to a meeting on November 7, 2023.

The fifth update refers to a November 26, 2023 meeting focusing on Research & Data.

"Snapshot” on The Hostages and Missing Individuals. The update refers to the meeting that took place on October 25, 2023, led by JFN USA. At the meeting: The representatives of The Hostages and Missing Families Forum described the activity of the forum with an emphasis on aspects of strategy, international campaign and the possibility of donations; The representative of the families shared his personal story and the activities being carried out; A brief overview was given regarding the activities of Attorney Irwin Kotler which are carried out on top of the existing infrastructure of the Raoul Wallenberg Center which also operates routinely for the release of political prisoners and prisoners.

"Snapshot” on The Civil Society Response - Needs, Responses, and Challenges. The update refers to the meeting that took place on October 25 held by the JFN and the Forum of Foundations in Israel. During the meeting, a mapping of civil society organizations was presented, with an emphasis on economic aspects, collaboration with the government, and philanthropy. The presentation covered the landscape of volunteering and the associated challenges. An overview of the activities of the Civilian Emergency Organization (the Hamal) was given, and an update was provided regarding the government’s response to the issue of cross-sector collaboration.

"Snapshot” on Mental Health, Trauma, and Resilience. The update refers to the meeting that took place on November 2nd held by the JFN. At the meeting, the complexity of the extensive and unprecedented challenges was emphasized; NATAL's activity was presented as an example of an experienced organization in the field; An overview of the field was given in terms of civil society organizations alongside other initiatives; The main responses of the Ministry of Health were detailed, and several partnerships and philanthropic initiatives promoted at this time were noted.

The second update refers to a January 2, 2024 meeting focusing on Soldiers.      

"Snapshot" on The Fight Against Anti-Semitism on Campuses in the USA. The update refers to the meeting that took place on November 2, 2023. At the meeting an overview was given regarding the situation prevailing on the campuses since the outbreak of the war, and the main responses and moves promoted by the Jewish organizations working together; Emphasis was given regarding the tension between hate speech vs. freedom of expression; Key needs relevant to this time were detailed and a discussion was held regarding the question of whether philanthropy should "close the checkbook".

“Snapshot” on Local Authorities. The update refers to the meeting that took place on November 9, 2023. Local authorities, those whose residents have either been evacuated or resettled during the war, along with those that have absorbed the displaced and evacuating individuals, are contending with unparalleled challenges in delivering comprehensive solutions. These challenges span security, organizational infrastructure, logistics, education, health, welfare, and more.

"Snapshot" on Women and Girls in the War. The update refers to the meeting that took place on November 21, 2023. At the meeting, the issue of systemic gender inequality was addressed, key points on the issue of women's vulnerability during the war were outlined, and emphasis was given on the roles of philanthropy.

"Snapshot" on Welfare Under Fire (Case Study: People with Disabilities), following the meeting that took place on November 29, 2023. At the meeting, the main challenges concerning the welfare system and the existing responses on the part of the government and civil society were described, while providing background regarding the population with disabilities.

"Snapshot" - A spotlight on The Worsening Employment Crisis & The Day After, following the meeting that took place on December 6, 2023. At the meeting, the main challenges were described; A general data review was given (in relation to the pre-war situation and the situation since the outbreak of the war); An update was given by the Ministry of Labor; Guidelines were outlined in relation to the time of crisis and several programs were presented as an example.

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