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Who Gives, Who Gets, and How do We Know? The Promises and Limitations of Administrative Data for Cro

Cross-border philanthropy occurs across multiple dimensions simultaneously. Seemingly domestic actors become players in international spheres, shattering the idea of a domestic/international dichotomy with clear lines delineating these spaces. This line blurring obscures monetary flows and highlights questions regarding non-profit accountability in a transnational context. We present a study tracking money from US INGOs to Israeli NGOs, demonstrating the advantages and challenges to a big data approach and highlighting the importance of local partners.

This paper was written by Prof. Jamie Levine Daniel (Indiana University), Galia Feit and Dr. Osnat Hazan (ILP)

and published in VOLUNTAS 34 (2023).

The ERNOP Research Notes for Philanthropy Practitioners are easy-to-read, nicely edited and visualised two-pagers that include a summary and interpretation of academic articles published by ERNOP members in the past and to be published articles of the future. Research Notes focus on practical implications of academic publications.

The Research Note on this article was published on March 2024.

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